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Immune Boosting Choc Chip Muffins with Greens Powder
20 minute muffins

Greens Choc Chip Muffins

GREENS CHOCOLATE CHIP MUFFINS  These 20 minute immune boosting muffins are packed with additive free greens powder, lots of protein and healthy fats which means it's the perfect mid afternoon swee...

afternoon snackGreens Nice Cream with Granola & Strawberries coconut bowl

Greens Nice Cream With Granola & Strawberries

Greens Nice Cream With Granola & Strawberries  Nice Cream is easy, vegan and a healthier alternative to store bought, additive laden ice creams. This recipe is ready in 10 minutes so get ready...

afternoon snackPopcorn done the Coconut Greens way

Popcorn done the Coconut Greens way

Now Friday movie night snacks at home are sorted for you and the kids with this batch of homemade fluffy popcorn with a twist.

aftrenoonsnackDo you have fussy eaters? Do you want a nutritional, yummy snack that they will love?  Goodness me popsicles

Goodness Me Popsicles

You scream, I scream, we all scream for Coconut Greens...  Do you have fussy eaters? Do you want a nutritional, yummy snack that they will love?   Try these quick, easy and fun popsicles, they will...