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Enjoy your detox with this Apple Pie Smoothie

Enjoy your detox with this Apple Pie Smoothie 🍏

~You might be surprised to know you don't have to starve to cleanse... πŸ˜³πŸ™ƒβ  ~COCONUT GREENS GUT RESET πŸ˜πŸ™ŒπŸ»β  ⁠ Say ❌ to those crazy juice cleanses that take you 4 days to recover! & start living ...

anitoxidantsThe Queen of Dragonfruit Smoothie πŸ’–

The Queen of Dragonfruit Smoothie πŸ’–

The Queen of Dragonfruit Smoothie πŸ’– Dragon Fruit has brightly coloured pink skin and white flesh and is something you should try, it actually has a subtle taste much like a kiwi fruit. Its high in...