afternoon snack

Coconut Greens Pina Colada Chia Pudding 🍍🥥

Coconut Greens Pina Colada Chia Pudding 🍍🥥


Chia puddings are a favourite of ours as they can be prepared the night before and make a delicious breakfast or snack to go 👌

When clean eating is on point plus it ticks all the boxes - organic, vegan, dairy free, gluten free and packed with sneaky veggies!


5-6 tablespoons chia seeds
1 scoop @coconutgreens powder
1 cup oat or plant milk
2 tablespoons coconut yogurt, plus extra for layering
2 teaspoons pure maple syrup
shredded coconut
fresh or crushed pineapple


Allow the chia to soak in the milk, maple and coconut yogurt for about 15 minutes or overnight. In a jar or glass, layer the chia pudding, pineapple, shredded coconut and coconut yogurt.

This makes a large pudding, enough for 2 snack serves or one big brekky!

"This combo always keeps me feeling nice and full. There are approx. 8 serves of veggies in the highly nutritious and organic Coconut Greens powder and it still feels like I’m eating dessert for breakfast, which is always a win in my books!"

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