best cocktails

Orange Coconut Cream Mock Tail cheers 🍹

Orange Coconut Cream Mock tail cheers

🎶"Put the lime in the coconut and shake it all around"🥥


Did you know the best thing about this recipe is...

You can pimp it with a shot of vodka or enjoy weekend vibes anytime of the day as a Mocktail 🍸


1 orange sliced 

1 cup coconut cream 

2 tsp dedicated coconut 

Fresh Mint to garnish 

2 tsp @coconutgreens powder 

½ cup ice 

Pinch of cinnamon 

Optional to pimp this beauty add 1 shot of Vodka or Triple Sec



In a blender mix together the sliced oranges, coconut cream, mint, Coconut Greens powder, ice and cinnamon until smooth and creamy. 


Pour into a mock tail glass and then sprinkle on desiccated coconut on top then add a slice of orange and garnish with fresh mint ! Enjoy 😉 


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