
Creamy Cashew Cheezecakes- Vegan, GF 

Coconut Greens Cheezecakes

These Coconut Greens cheezecakes are the perfect sweet treat to make in bulk and keep in the freezer for a sneaky snack or dessert. 

They are so simple and involve minimal ingredients. 

Base ingredients:

1/2 cup almonds

1/2 cup macadamias

2/3 cup medjool dates 

1/2-1 scoop @botanikablends vanilla cake batter protein powder

2 tablespoons maple syrup 

*optional: 2 tablespoons buckinis/shredded coconut


Blend all ingredients in a food processor or blender until they become a  breadcrumb consistency or chunkier if you prefer. Press firmly into silicone muffin or rectangular bar moulds and place in the freezer while you prepare the cheezecake filling.

Cheezecake filling ingredients:

2 cups cashews pre-soaked (overnight or for 1/2 hour in boiling water) 

juice of 2 lemons 

3/4 cup of tinned coconut cream or thick (high coconut milk content) coconut yogurt

2 teaspoons of vanilla bean paste 

4-5 tablespoons maple syrup 

2 tablespoons melted coconut oil or melted cocoa butter

*optional: vanilla protein powder/cinnamon/almond or peanut butter/lemon zest


Blend all ingredients in a high-power or bullet blender until ultra smooth & creamy. This will become your base mix. 

For the Coconut Greens cheezecakes; add a scoop of @coconutgreens powder & blend.

For the Strawberry cheezecakes; add approx. 1 cup of strawberries & blend.

For the chocolate cheezecakes; add 2 tablespoons raw cocao powder and a little extra maple syrup & blend. 

Pour into the moulds & put into the freezer to set overnight or for at least 2 hours. Get creative and mix flavours by layering to create 'Neapolitan' cheezecakes.

Top with melted vegan dark chocolate and freeze-dried strawberries. If you have the patience, allow to sit for at least 10 minutes before eating or on a hot summer’s day, eat straight away! They can also be eaten from the fridge but will be much softer & less icy. 

Recipe notes:

*For the base crumb, you can sub macadamia and almonds for your favourite nuts.

*You can use any other unrefined liquid sweetener if you don't have maple on hand.

*I recommend using silicone muffin or rectangular tray moulds for ease of removal, as they will pop right out. 

*If using a regular muffin tray, line with a little baking paper or simply take them out of the freezer for 10-20 minutes before inserting a knife around the edges to help you pop them out. 

*This mix can also be made into a full size cheezecake using a springform tin, lined with baking paper, or can be made as a slice using a brownie tray lined with baking paper.

Makes approx 12 muffin size cheezecakes

Be warned: these beauties WON'T last long!

Delicious Recipe by Willow


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